Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Birmingham Pride report

Once again TUC in the Midlands had a stall for Birmingham Pride, this year on the Saturday of the two day event.

LGBT Network Chair, Richard Jones was assisted on the stall by members from PCS and GMB. With the recent election still being all too fresh in the mind there was much discussion about the expected assault on public services. Many visitors to the stall were also interested in the voting record of their out going MP on LGBT issues, the Stonewall list of voting records is particularly shaming for the new Equality Minister, Theresa May, who has a worse record than even the likes Rev Ian Paisley. There was also good support for the other unions that had stalls on the day. It was also good to see Bob Deakin, the retired former secretary of the LGBT Network, on the UNISON stall.
The weather on the day was disappointing at times, but as the sun came out during the afternoon, so did the crowds, here’s to better weather for 2011!