Thursday, 23 December 2010

Barriers and opportunities faced by LGB&T people in public and political life.

On 20 December 2010, Government commissioned research into the opportunities and barriers faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGB&T) people in public and political participation was published. The research was conducted by the Office for Public Management and forms part of the Government’s work programme ‘Working for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Equality’, which was launched in June 2010. The research and the wider work programme contribute to one of GEO’s key aims - to promote equal participation in civil society. By using the talents of everyone, we can make sure that our communities and institutions benefit from the whole range of experiences and skills of society. This report and its recommendations will enable us to develop targeted actions to improve the opportunities for, and tackle the barriers faced by, LGB&T people who want to participate in public, political and community life.
Below is the link to a copy of the report - if you wan tto print this you need to know it is 95 pages long.

Monday, 6 December 2010

World Aids Day Campaign Petition

Dear friends

Below is an online petition from the National AIDS Trust requesting that the UK government adopt a strategy to tackle HIV/AIDS when the current one runs out this year. The mailing below explains the background and gives the link to the petition. Please sign and forward to relevant networks.

Each year NAT (National AIDS Trust) uses World AIDS Day to highlight pressing issues that are affecting people with HIV in the UK and campaign for change. This year we are petitioning for a national strategy on HIV.

By the end of 2011 there will be more than 100,000 people living with HIV in the UK, but the current national strategy for HIV and sexual health in England expires at the end of 2010 and there are currently no plans to replace it.

The UK has made a UN commitment to have a HIV strategy in place which:

• demonstrates political leadership

• is properly financed

• is genuinely multi-sectoral and cross-departmental

• promotes human rights

• confronts stigma and discrimination

• effectively meets the need for high quality HIV prevention, testing, treatment, care and support
This World AIDS Day, NAT is calling on the Prime Minister to fulfil this commitment and put in place from 2011 a national strategy to combat HIV, in collaboration with the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (where strategies are in place).

You can sign our e-petition on the national strategy at: